Team Accelerator - Happiness Academy

Team Accelerator


Personality is a set of individual characteristics that manifests in repetitive patterns of behavior, thoughts, and feelings. Most often we evaluate an individual's personality based on their words and actions.
In a work environment, the personal characteristics of the individual are key to the success of both the employee and the team and the results of the entire organization.
There are many scientific classifications of personality traits, the first of which is that of Edward Spranger (even before those of Freud and Jung). Edward Spranger (1882-1963) was a German philosopher and psychologist who based his theory of the personal qualities of basic human emotions.
The Team Accelerator test is based on Spranger's research on human values, motivation and driving forces. The parameters in Team Accelerator are adapted for the purposes of organizational development and improvement of team results.
Team Accelerator provides useful information that helps managers better understand their employees, be able to easily motivate them and understand the team setup and the driving processes within it. The ultimate goals are:
- Determining the leading motives of the individual: political, economic, aesthetic, social and theoretical;
- Analysis of the potential for interaction and achievement of individual and team results of the employees in the organization;
- Optimization recommendations.


The test is based on self-assessment and manages to determine with some accuracy the significance of the motivational factors for each individual in the team or organization. It consists of 20 steps, in each of which the person taking the test will have to arrange 3 words according to their importance to them.


The test can be done by one person or by a group of people. It is necessary to register a user, after which a link to the test is sent to the registered e-mail address. After payment and completion of the test, the client has continuous access to his results through the created profile.
In case of using the test for group analysis, initial registration of a group administrator is required. Group administrator provides the email addresses of all group members and after payment is processes all group members receive an email with information about their personal credentials to access the test. Every group member has access to his / her test result and the group administrator has access to the results of everyone in your group.

The test results can be used to select a more appropriate role for the people in the team in order to use their full potential, identify the needs for additional resources or training, as well as to strengthen the motivation and leadership in the organization.

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