10 agosto, 2020
As Oscar Wilde once said, “to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance”. Everyone knows that love is a wonderful thing, but do we know what wonders might come from loving oneself? Unfortunately, some of us are taught that it is egoistic to love yourself. That is why it is often hard for us to find meaning and appreciate personal pleasures like being relaxed, experiencing content, taking care of our physical and emotional health. In our fast-paced, sometimes stressful, everyday life, we somehow forget that in order to be able to work hard, achieve our goals, contribute to the family, friends and society, we have to take good care for ourselves, plan time for proper rest, eat healthy and move more. A wise leadership trainer once said, being 70+ years old at that time: “If I didn’t find time to take care for myself when I was younger, managing a large corporation and overloaded with work, I wouldn’t be able to be here now, training you”.
We believe Self-love and Self-care is extremely important, not only for our happiness, but also for our health and that is why we have devoted the month of August in our mobile app
Happiness Accelerator to it.
We have also developed a short eBook that will help you to:
- Stop seeing your weak sides only
- Provide you some proofs why Self-love is not narcissistic
- Understand the benefits of Self-love
- Learn how to use 3 easy exercises to build the habit of Self-love
- Realise that helping yourself, you will be empowered to help others
You can download the eBook as a gift from